This is just a couple people who really inspire me, just because of their artistic talents and who they are. They show me a lot art wise in both the form of both Graphic Design and Music.

John Williams
John Williams is one of the most famous composers of all time. He has composed music for very famous films, such as all Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, and so on.

Music Director
Orlando Otis
Mr Otis is a very kind man yet gets the job done, and I look up to that. He directs the entire marching band, 120 strong, and I think that it is amazing how he can do this.

Vincent van Gogh
Vincent was a great man who created amazing artwork, most known for The Starry Night, and less known for "Bedroom in Arles". He had a process of getting a mental image and putting it to canvas, creating amazing artwork to be who he is known as in today's world.